After a steep learning-curve worthy of the Matterhorn, the on-line store for Richard Lindsay Arts and Letters officially opened today.
To enter the store, either click on the Store button top-right on the front page of this blog site, or go direct to
The store offers the opportunity to purchase (at very modest prices) prints of the various photographic images that have featured here or on the linked Facebook page. It also offers larger canvas prints at slightly less modest prices, plus the opportunity to purchase full-sized download version of these (again, at modest prices, although if the download is for commercial use it would be kind if you could e-mail richard@richardlindsayartsandletters to discuss reasonable terms). The store also offers a small selection of lino prints, printed cards of lino prints, plus a small selection of other original artworks, although the plan is to add to this artwork collection in the coming months.
The in-store photographic collection is still being added to so does not yet fully reflect the range of images in the galleries here or posted on the Facebook pages, but everything should be harmonized within a month or so.